Hospital Facility
The College Has an attached 25 bedded Hospital. Its motto is to serve the poor and needy on charitable basis. It has out door Patient department, Indoor patient department, clinical teaching Facility, computerized Central registration system, Pathology laboratory, X-ray, E.C.G, Sonography, Operation Theatre, Labour Room, Post oprative ward Resuscitative Facility, I.C.U, General starilization faciliy, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy Rehabilitation and yoga centre, Kitchen, Dental, Ophthalmology, Medicine, Obstetrics & Gynecology and Surgery departments and Residence Facility for Hospital Staff, The hospital has various OPDs and is served by well-known and experienced doctors of both allopathic and homoeopathic discipline. This Hospital renders mobile Dispensary Services. It is well equipped with modern Instruments and technology with all facilities and infrastructure. The hospital has free ambulance service for the transportation of the patients.